By Dr. C. Bour, January 5, 2021

The link between diabetes and cancer in general and diabetes and breast cancer in particular is well known, as shown in a 2012 meta-analysis [1].

This meta-analysis revealed a significant increase in the risk of breast cancer in women with diabetes compared to non-diabetic women. However, the association between diabetes and breast cancer risk appeared to be limited to postmenopausal women. Type 1 diabetes and diabetes in premenopausal women were not associated with a significant increase in breast cancer risk.

People with type 2 diabetes have a higher risk of developing cancers of the breast, pancreas, liver, kidney, endometrium and colon. 
While patients with type 1 diabetes are more likely to develop cervical and stomach cancers.

Several studies have also shown that patients with diabetes and cancer have a poorer prognosis than those without diabetes. Diabetes and hyperglycemia are associated with higher infection rates, shorter remission periods and shorter median survival times, as well as higher mortality rates[2].

Several mechanisms might explain why type 2 diabetes could increase the risk of cancer are being implicated: hyperinsulinemia, hyperglycemia and inflammation. The increase in blood glucose levels is believed to have carcinogenic effects by causing DNA damage.

Particular case of breast cancer

The meta-analysis discussed at the beginning of this article was conducted using a random effects model to study the association between diabetes and breast cancer risk [3].

The risk of breast cancer in women with type 2 diabetes is increased by 27%, a figure that decreases to 16% after adjusting for BMI. Obesity is an aggravating factor as shown in other studies.  

No increase in risk has been observed in women in pre-menopausal age or with type 1 diabetes.

In addition to the over-risk of cancer in the diabetic patient, what about the management of the patient with both diabetes AND cancer? [4] [5]

The management of the diabetic patient requires treatment not only by hygienic and dietetic measures but also by a finely tuned medication protocol that may include insulin and one or more oral agents.

Chemotherapy and analgesics can affect glucose homeostasis[6] and insulin sensitivity; drug interactions can interfere with the patient's tolerance to diabetes drugs; decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting and weight loss resulting from both disease and cancer treatment can cause imbalances in blood glucose levels.

Chemotherapeutic agents

Several chemotherapies are known to cause or exacerbate these adverse conditions. For example, cisplatin is known to cause kidney failure, and anthracyclines can cause cardiotoxicity. Cisplatin, paclitaxel and vincristine may be neurotoxic. Unfortunately, many of these side effects may remain permanent.

For cancer treatment to be effective, at least 85% of the chemotherapy dose must usually be administered. Patients with diabetes should be carefully monitored before the start and during chemotherapy. Treatment decisions should be based on the patient's clinical picture, but always be aware that any change in dose, or alteration in the timing of administration, or substitution of another chemotherapeutic agent may compromise results by reducing the response rate to treatment.


They represent an important part of treatment in cancer pathologies and are widely used to improve nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy, as well as to suppress neurological symptoms when the cancer has metastasized to the spine or brain. And they cause significant hyperglycemia within hours after administration. 

The treatment of hyperglycemia resulting from glucocorticoids then depends on the type of diabetes, the severity of the hyperglycemia levels, the dose and the duration of therapy. Administering steroids in multiple doses throughout the day instead of a single bolus dose, or administering the entire daily dose of steroids intravenously over 24 hours, can help control hyperglycemia.

Patients with pre-existing diabetes can be maintained on oral hypoglycemic agents and closely monitored. However, these medications are generally unsuitable for managing hyperglycemia in this setting and insulin is used.

Patients using insulin prior to glucocorticoid therapy will typically require both basal and preprandial insulin. These patients may require two to three times their usual insulin dose. Insulin is the preferred drug for the management of steroid-induced or steroid-exacerbated hyperglycemia in patients with known diabetes.

Patients with type 1 diabetes will need to adjust their dose. Type 2 patients who are already taking oral agents at baseline will add insulin, but only during this period when their blood glucose levels are high.

Several studies of cancers as disparate as small cell lung cancer and breast cancer have found an association between poorly controlled hyperglycemia and poor outcomes in these patients with both diabetes and cancer. Hyperglycemia also increases the risk of infection.

In patients with active cancer, the management of hyperglycemia focuses on the prevention of long-term complications to avoid acute and sub-acute outcomes, such as dehydration due to polyuria, infection, catabolic weight loss, hyperosmolar non-ketotic states and diabetic ketoacidosis [7].


Analgesics can cause constipation that affects patients in two ways. It can make them want to not eat, but also, by slowing down intestinal motility, narcotics may delay the absorption of nutrients. This can lead to a mismatch between the administration of insulin and the absorption of glucose. The patient faces the risk of hypoglycemia.

Statins and chemotherapy [8]

Statins and chemotherapeutic agents are metabolized by the same enzymes in the liver. 

If the liver enzymes are all captured by statin therapy, this may result in less elimination of chemotherapy. Some research suggests that it also works the other way around. If you give a statin to a patient on chemo and then stop the statin, he or she will eliminate the chemotherapy drug much more quickly. 

In general, therefore, there is a reluctance to start statin therapy in someone just starting chemotherapy because of possible hepatotoxicity," says Lavis [9] . If patients are already on statins, it is important to be aware of their effects and monitor them carefully. 

It is appropriate to target therapeutic interventions according to the patient's prognosis. If the prognosis is poor, we should be less demanding about the goals and not overburden the patient's treatment based on excessive expectations.

Prognosis and comfort

Prognosis, longevity and quality of life are important considerations in setting blood glucose targets. A pragmatic approach to the management of hyperglycemia in these patients is necessary.

The interest of a very strict glycemic control is to try to prevent complications in 10, 15, 20 years. 

But in a person with a poor prognosis or a life expectancy of only a few years, one must be more concerned about comfort and quality of life in the remaining years.

The goal would then be to avoid the effects of acute hyperglycemia, such as dehydration and ketoacidosis.


There is strong epidemiological evidence that diabetic diseases are associated with an accumulated risk of several cancers. There is also growing evidence that the degree of hyperglycemia and the treatment modalities for hyperglycemia influence cancer risk. 

The risk of breast cancer in women with type 2 diabetes is increased and obesity is an aggravating factor. On the other hand, there is no over-risk observed in women in pre-menopausal age or with type 1 diabetes.

The management of blood glucose levels in patients with diabetes and cancer can pose a significant clinical challenge. As there is no clear evidence that tight glucose control improves cancer outcomes, hyperglycemia must be managed pragmatically to ensure that the patient remains asymptomatic and at low risk of acute decompensation. 

Proactive management of glucocorticoid-induced hyperglycemia can help reduce large fluctuations in glucose levels. 

Read also :



[1] Diabetes and breast cancer risk: a meta-analysis  British Journal of Cancer (2012) 107, 1608–1617 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22996614/

P Boyle M Boniol A Koechlin .....and P Autier1/Prevention Research Institute, 95 cours Lafayette, 69006 Lyon, France

[2] Clinical Challenges in Caring for Patients With Diabetes and Cancer
Helen M. Psarakis, RN, APRN-Diabetes Spectrum Volume 19, Number 3, 2006


[3] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22996614/

[4] https://endocrinenews.endocrine.org/july-2014-double-jeopardy/

[5] Clinical Challenges in Caring for Patients With Diabetes and Cancer-Helen M. Psarakis, RN, APRN-Diabetes Spectrum Volume 19, Number 3, 2006


[6]  Phenomenon by which a key factor is regulated to persist around a beneficial value for the body.

[7] https://www.cancernetwork.com/view/diabetes-management-cancer-patients

[8] https://endocrinenews.endocrine.org/july-2014-double-jeopardy/

[9] Victor Lavis, MD, professeur au Département de néoplasie endocrinienne et des troubles hormonaux à l'Université du Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center à Houston.( https://endocrinenews.endocrine.org/july-2014-double-jeopardy/)


Cancer Rose est un collectif de professionnels de la santé, rassemblés en association. Cancer Rose fonctionne sans publicité, sans conflit d’intérêt, sans subvention. Merci de soutenir notre action sur HelloAsso.

Cancer Rose is a French non-profit organization of health care professionals. Cancer Rose performs its activity without advertising, conflict of interest, subsidies. Thank you to support our activity on HelloAsso.

Study of three pairs of countries compared

October 27, 2017

Breast cancer mortality in neighbouring European countries, with different levels of screening but similar access to treatment: trend analysis of WHO mortality database

Pr. Philippe Autier research director (International Prevention Research Institute), Mathieu Boniol senior statistician
(Northern Ireland Cancer Registry, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK; Department of Public Health, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway)
BMJ 2011;343:d4411 doi: 10.1136/bmj.d4411



Breast cancer mortality is compared (non-randomized comparative study) by matching countries in pairs, with the second country having introduced screening ten years later.

Northern Ireland (United Kingdom) 1990 / Republic of Ireland 2000
Sweden 1986 / Norway 1996
The Netherlands 1989 / Belgium and Flanders (Belgian region south of the Netherlands) 2001

The study concludes that breast cancer mortality declines similarly despite a significant difference in the year of introduction and participation in screening. Therefore, there is no link between screening activity and decreased mortality. Metastatic invasive cancer remains at the same rates. One of the best proofs that this screening is not effective.

Between 1989 and 2006, deaths from breast cancer decreased by 29% in Northern Ireland and by 26% in the Republic of Ireland; by 25% in the Netherlands and by 20% in Belgium and by 25% in Flanders; by 16% in Sweden and by 24% in Norway. The time trend and year of the downward inflexion was similar between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland and between the Netherlands and Flanders. In Sweden, mortality rates have decreased steadily since 1972, with no downward inflexion until 2006. Countries of each pair had similar health care services and prevalence of risk factors for breast cancer mortality, but different implementation of mammography screening, with a gap of about 10-15 years.

Conclusion of the authors

The contrast between the time differences in implementation of mammography screening and the similarity in reductions in mortality between the country pairs suggest that screening did not play a direct part in the reductions in breast cancer mortality.

Cancer Rose est un collectif de professionnels de la santé, rassemblés en association. Cancer Rose fonctionne sans publicité, sans conflit d’intérêt, sans subvention. Merci de soutenir notre action sur HelloAsso.

Cancer Rose is a French non-profit organization of health care professionals. Cancer Rose performs its activity without advertising, conflict of interest, subsidies. Thank you to support our activity on HelloAsso.

PRESS RELEASE, English version of Cancer Rose web site.

2021, January 7

After several months of dedicated work, time and energy, we are pleased to announce the launch of English version of Cancer Rose web site.

Cancer Rose is a Non-Profit Organization under French law made up of independent Medical Doctors, a Doctor in Toxicology and a patient representative, with the goal of providing fair, transparent and objective information for French women on mass screening for breast cancer, based on scientific evidence.

We participated in the French Citizen and Scientific Consultation on Breast Cancer Screening organized by French Minister of Health in 2015, following the controversy on this topic in France.

We founded Cancer Rose organization and created the website in 2016.

At the international level, we exchange and share information on medical issues including over-diagnosis and the resulting over-treatment, with members of different organizations such as HealthWatch Charity in the UK,  the Institute of Scientific Freedom in Denmark, Choosing Wisely health organization in Canada, Wiser Healthcare Group of collaborating researchers in Australia, as well as American patient advocate Donna Pinto, member of the Steering Committee of the International “Precision” Project.

Our aim with this English version is to inform international visitors about our activities, to create connections and share our views on mass breast cancer screening controversy with women and professionals around the world.

We will update our content with new information, posts, announcements, events.

We hope you can find this website useful and easy to navigate.

Please follow us on Twitter and Facebook for news.

If you have any questions, suggestions, feedback or comments, please contact us.

Members of Cancer Rose have no sponsorships, honoraria, monetary support or conflict of interest from any commercial sources. They dedicate their time to this activity on a voluntary basis. The funds necessary for the functioning of this website and production of information materials (educational films, brochures, posters) are generated by individual donations and members contributions.

Cancer Rose est un collectif de professionnels de la santé, rassemblés en association. Cancer Rose fonctionne sans publicité, sans conflit d’intérêt, sans subvention. Merci de soutenir notre action sur HelloAsso.

Cancer Rose is a French non-profit organization of health care professionals. Cancer Rose performs its activity without advertising, conflict of interest, subsidies. Thank you to support our activity on HelloAsso.

Miller’s Study

Miller's study, published in 2014, is a randomized controlled trial, which corresponds to the highest quality criteria for population-based studies. Data are analyzed from groups whose subjects are randomly selected and then compared.

Here, the study involves 90,000 women, 45,000 with screening, 45,000 without screening. In fact the trials (NBSS 1 and 2 , National Breast screening studys ) were conducted in Canada in the 1980s with women screened annually for 5 years with annual mammography and clinical examination, and then followed up for 10 years. Here Miller proposes a re-evaluation after 25 years of follow-up for these two groups.

What are the conclusions?

1°-No difference in mortality between the two groups (mortality = number of deaths in relation to the total number of people screened).

2° Survival rates are identical, regardless of tumor stage(survival = number of deaths in relation to the number of cancers diagnosed)

3° 22% over-diagnosis

No difference between the two groups in the rate of fatal cancers.

More precisely, Miller finds 22% overdiagnosis, or 1 overdiagnosis (and thus overtreatment) for every 424 women who received mammography screening, for a zero benefit regarding the reduction of mortality  from breast cancer.

The criticisms that have been made against Miller have been varied. First, it was argued that there could have been contamination of both groups because of the length of follow-up. In fact, some of the follow-ups stop after 7 to 10 years, which limits two drawbacks: some women in the non-screening group could still have had a mammogram one year or the other, while some women in the screening group could have "missed" a year of mammography. Waiting another 20 years would dilute or blur the results.

-First, the effect of non-compliance in the screening group and contamination in the non-screening group will rather lead to an underestimation of over-diagnosis.

-Secondly, the detractors of these studies argued that it would take a very long time to see the effectiveness of screening, as it would only be over a very long period of time that the danger of undetected cancers in the non-screened group would be seen. But here, even after 25 years, we still do not see this famous " dormant cancer " finally appearing, and no excess mortality of women who are not screened, perhaps because dormant cancer does not exist...

Miller was also criticized for not being representative of the French system, which screens every two years and begins at age 50 (whereas the Canadian trials targeted women aged 40-59). However, in the United States there was a debate about starting screening at 40 years of age.

It is clear that mammography was prematurely marketed to us as the ideal way to reduce the danger of cancer, particularly the killer one.


Ref : Miller AB, Wall C, Baines CJ, Sun P, To T, Narod SA. Twenty five years follow-up for breast cancer incidence and mortality of the Canadian National Breast Screening Study: randomised screening trial. The BMJ. 2014 Feb 11;348:g366

Cancer Rose est un collectif de professionnels de la santé, rassemblés en association. Cancer Rose fonctionne sans publicité, sans conflit d’intérêt, sans subvention. Merci de soutenir notre action sur HelloAsso.

Cancer Rose is a French non-profit organization of health care professionals. Cancer Rose performs its activity without advertising, conflict of interest, subsidies. Thank you to support our activity on HelloAsso.

Critical analysis of the new INCa information booklet

In August 2017 the National Cancer Institute (INCa) published a new information booklet on breast cancer screening entitled: "Breast cancer screening; be informed and decide". (1)
INCa presents this booklet on its website as follows: "This booklet is intended for women aged 50 who are invited for the first time to have a breast cancer screening test. It is intended to be joint to the invitation letter. By answering the main questions about breast cancer and screening tests, the booklet enables women to make an informed decision in response to the invitation. It can also be distributed at information meetings. »
In September 2017 we conducted a critical analysis of this booklet.
Three years later, in January 2021 we can make the observation that nothing has been changed in the content of this booklet.


September 17, 2017

Cécile Bour, MD
Marc Gourmelon, MD
Philippe Nicot, MD

The National Cancer Institute (INCa) has published a new information booklet on breast cancer screening entitled: "Breast Cancer Screening; Be Informed and Decide". (1)

The 2016 citizens' consultation had clearly pointed out the miscommunication and misinformation committed in the past by the institute, on page 85 of the full report available at the following link  http://www.concertation-depistage.fr/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/depistage-cancer-sein-rapport-concertation-sept-2016.pdf

"...the public consultation on organized breast cancer screening...highlighted the very limited information available to women on this screening. And for the information specifically intended for them, we note that this information does not include any mention of the controversy of which it has been the subject for several years, nor of the existence of real uncertainty regarding the benefit/risk ratio, nor of its limits...".

The criticisms on the communication provided by the INCa, fragmented, sometimes contradictory, tendentious, unclear on the over-diagnosis, continue from page 87 to 95.

Two studies published in the British Medical Journal (one Australian, the other by researchers from the Nordic Cochrane Collaboration) listed 17 key points that should be addressed in brochures on breast cancer screening, for a scientific and objective information. (2,3)

We used these 17 scientific criteria to evaluate the INCA booklet on breast cancer screening by mammography and to determine whether, in accordance with the requests of the citizen's consultation, the Institute has met the expectations for improving the quality of information.

For details of these two studies, see Dr. Nicot's article in Voix Médicales: http://www.voixmedicales.fr/2011/11/14/depistage-organise-du-cancer-du-sein-information-ou-communication/

PART I: Analysis according to the 17 criteria
PART II: Other issues raised

PART I: The 17 key points to assess the quality of the information

These 17 key points are :

    1. Lifetime risk of developing breast cancer.

    2. Lifetime risk of dying from breast cancer.

    3. Survival after breast cancer.

    4. Relative risk reduction.

    5. Absolute risk reduction.

    6. The number of women who need to be screened to avoid death from breast cancer.

    7. Proportion of women who will be recalled.

    8. Proportion of breast cancer detected (sensitivity).

    9. Proportion of women without breast cancer who are screened positive (lack of specificity/false positive).

    10. Proportion of women with a positive test who have cancer (positive predictive value).

    11. Reduction of the relative risk of total mortality.

    12. Carcinoma in situ.

    13. Over-diagnosis.

    14. Over-treatment.

    15. Effect of screening on the number of mastectomies.

    16. Relative risk of radiotherapy, psychological distress in relation to false positives.

    17. Pain during mammography.

These 17 key points were reviewed in the new brochure issued by INCa in order to assess its informative value as objectively as possible.

1. Lifetime risk of developing breast cancer.

The brochure answers this first point: 3 out of 100 women aged 50 will develop breast cancer within 10 years. The different risk factors are detailed on page 4.

2. Lifetime risk of dying from breast cancer.

The question which, indeed, is of most interest to women is: what is the real risk of dying from breast cancer? "We can measure the risk of dying from breast cancer in France, in 2010 this risk was 4.1%...., of which 1.9% was between 50 and 79 years of age". (4)

This data is not present in the booklet of the INCa.

3. Survival after breast cancer

The brochure talks about it and highlights the 99% survival rate for cancer detected "early". But without explaining what this means.

" Survival" is rather a measure of a cancer lifetime

It gives an optical illusion: by anticipating the date of "birth" of the cancer detected during a screening, one has the impression of a longer life after cancer, whereas the lifetime of the person is in no way changed. Let's take a life expectancy for a given woman of 73 years, if this woman is diagnosed with cancer by screening at the age of 67, she will enter the 5-year survival statistics. If the diagnosis is made later, around the age of 72, when a symptom occurs for example, then this same woman will not be included in the survival statistics. Survival at 5 years leads to an illusion of success, whereas the life expectancy of women in France has not changed at all since screening is performed.

4. 5. 11. Relative risk reduction. Absolute risk reduction.

On page 8 it is written: "International studies estimate that these programs prevent between 15% and 21% of breast cancer deaths. "

This is an indication of relative risk only. The editors are ignoring the claim of women citizens to stop being fooled by numbers that do not mean what they seem to say. The 20% fewer deaths does not mean that 20 less women out of 100 will die of breast cancer, if they get screened.

This 20% corresponds only to a relative risk reduction between two comparative groups of women.

In fact, according to a projection made by the Cochrane Collective (6) based on several studies, 4 out of 2,000 women screened over 10 years, die of breast cancer; 5 out of a 2000 women group not screened over the same period of time, will die of breast cancer, the change from 5 to 4 mathematically corresponds to a 20% reduction in mortality, but in absolute terms only one woman's death will be avoided (absolute risk of 0.1% or 0.05%).

Actually, this corresponds to an absolute risk reduction of 0.05% (1 woman in 2000) to 0.1% (1 woman in 1000) at the end of 10 to 25 years of screening, according to the estimates used (American journals, Prescrire magazine, US TaskForce). (5)

This is why the citizens had requested during the citizen consultation a presentation based on real data, and not on percentages that embellish the situation.

6. The number of women needed to be screened to prevent a breast cancer death

We search unsuccessfully for this indication. According to the Cochrane Collaboration synthesis, for example, 2000 women must be screened over 10 years in order to find a benefit of a life saved through screening. (6)

7. Proportion of women who will be recalled.

One of the causes of recalling women is the examination judged "technically insufficient" by the second reader who receives the images validated by the first reader, but which he considers insufficiently well done. This causes additional anxiety for the patients, and of course, additional irradiation, due to the sometimes very formalistic questions of incidence.

The second cause of recall and not the least are false positives, i.e. a positive screening test for a woman who does not present a cancerous lesion (which overlaps with criterion n°9).

8. Proportion of breast cancer detected (sensitivity).

9. Proportion of women without breast cancer who have a positive detection (lack of specificity/false positives).

10. Proportion of women with a positive test who have cancer (positive predictive value).

The brochure announces well in " To know" section on page 11: "The false positive - In most cases, it turns out that the abnormalities discovered are benign and that it is not cancer. This is referred to as a false positive", but without giving the proportion, the criterion is therefore not met.

We provide you with the estimate according to Prescrire magazine, Cochrane and US Task Force: out of 1,000 to 2,000 women screened over a period of 10 to 25 years, depending on the synthesis, between 200 and 1,000 women will receive a false alarm, leading to at least 200 unnecessary biopsies. (5)

This precise data is not included in the brochure.

We recommend that our readers refer to the explanations provided on our site: https://www.cancer-rose.fr/cancer-du-sein-un-peu-de-technique/.

12. Carcinoma in situ.

This point is not addressed at all.

In the cancer statistics posted on INCa site, only invasive cancers are considered. However, in situ cancers, which are the main cause of over-diagnosis, are estimated to account for 15 to 20% of breast cancers. They are all the more frequent, as participation in screening is important. Most of the cancers qualified as "early detected" are in situ cancers for which it is known that treatment does not change much the prognosis, since most of them would not have developed.

When a non-fatal disease is treated unnecessarily, it is normal that survival (see criterion 3) is high.

The booklet does not address this issue.

13. Over-diagnosis.

14. Over-treatment.

Over-diagnosis is addressed on page 7, but only briefly.

The problem of over-treatment is not mentioned.

15. The effect of screening on the number of mastectomies.

This issue is not addressed. Large scale international studies (Harding (7)) as well as meta-analyses of the Prescrire review (8, 9 ,10) and the Cochrane Collaboration (6) ) show a significant increase in mastectomies, radiotherapy and chemotherapy since screening, while the detected lesions are more and more smaller in size.

16. The relative risk of radiotherapy, psychological distress in relation to false positives.

This point is not addressed.

17. Pain during mammography.

This point is discussed on page 9.

Let's now do the math: of the 17 key points for informed and objective information, only 5 are addressed in the INCa brochure (no. 1, no. 3 although imperfectly, no. 4 but without explanation, no. 13, no. 17).

PART II: Other points of concern


The INCa booklet mentions the scientific controversy over screening, which it refers to as being based on "few studies and difficult to compare".

According to INCa, the debate is not about whether lives are saved, but about how many lives are saved.

However, since the 2000s, numerous studies have been regularly published in the major independent international journals (New England Journal of Medicine, British Medical Journal, JAMA, Lancet, etc.).

The studies cannot be described as "few" when, on the contrary, they abound.

For example, we will cite only three of the major studies published in recent years: Bleyer Welch, 2012 (11), A. Miller, 2014 (12), Harding, 2015 (7).

The first shows the rise in breast cancer incidence since the introduction of screening without a decrease in the most severe forms. The second shows the absence of significant impact of screening on mortality, revealing identical survival rates regardless of the stage of cancer in two groups of women compared, one group screened and the other not, with a follow-up at 25 years.

Finally, the third shows that a 10% increase in participation in screening leads to a 16% excess of diagnosis without any impact on mortality, but with a surge in less aggressive forms, stability of advanced forms, and a significant increase in the most severe treatments.

It is not clear which studies enable INCa to assert that the debate would not be about saving lives because it is not possible to identify any significant decrease in mortality.

B-The radiation delivered

Concerning X-rays during a mammographic examination, for which the dose required after 50 years would be lower (page 12), the problem is not the low dose theoretically delivered, but the reality of the repetition of doses, no matter how low they are.

Moreover, quite frequently, several incidences per breast are necessary, their dose being added to those of the routine examination.

The real problem, however, is radiation for therapeutic purposes in the case of over-treatment, which is itself a consequence of over-diagnosis by mammography, with real and serious consequences on health (coronary heart disease, radiation-induced cancers of the oesophagus, skin, mediastinum and lung).

C-Natural history of the disease

On page 3, we find :

"In general, the earlier breast cancers are detected, the greater the chances of a cure.

There is confusion between the smallness of the cancer detected and its early detection.

A small cancer is not synonymous with early detection, it can be small and be present for many years without ever manifesting itself. A large lesion is not necessarily late either, it may have developed in a very short period of time, which is often the case with what are called interval cancers. These rapid cancers are often the most aggressive, occurring after a normal mammogram and before the next one scheduled two years later. Screening cannot anticipate them.

The problem is the insufficient knowledge of the natural history of cancer, which the booklet itself admits on page 2, where it says that there are several types of cancer evolution and kinetics. This would justify treating all cancers, according to the booklet (page 7) which threatens that a woman who is not screened regularly, will inevitably have a more advanced cancer, a heavier treatment and a reduced chance of recovery.

"If you develop breast cancer and you have not been screened regularly, the cancer will be diagnosed at a more advanced stage. This will reduce the chances of a cure and have a greater impact on your quality of life. Indeed, heavy treatment, sometimes dangerous, and its consequences are significantly greater in the presence of cancer diagnosed at an advanced stage".

There are two problems with this statement. It is needlessly alarmist and is not based on any studies, the real question being "What are the benefits of not getting tested? "(The brochure asking this one, page 7: "What are the risks of not being screened for breast cancer?"). The assertion that the burden of treatment is reduced thanks to "early" detection is contradicted by the Harding study (7) in the United States, by the meta-analyses of Cochrane (6) and the Prescrire Review (8 9 10), which report an increase in chemo- and radiotherapy, with consequences in the form of thrombo-embolic, cardiac and radiation-induced neoplasia complications not even mentioned in the booklet. These studies and meta-analyses also objectivize the increase in mastectomies, which logically should drastically decrease since the lesions discovered are smaller in size. Hence the second subsequent question: "What is the situation in France with regard to the promised decrease in total mastectomies, and what is the status of the evaluation?"


Overdiagnosis is quickly addressed in the booklet (page 7), we will not argue about its extent, as the latest studies put forward the figure of 50%. However, justifying the treatment of all cancers with the same aggressiveness, because we do not know how to apprehend, it is a rather lapidary approach to the problem.

The third source indicated by INCa at the bottom of the document refers to the "Handbooks of Cancer Prevention", which is presented here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ejAL_pzLGI

The CIRC (International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon) itself (from about 7:54 minutes) opts for a red coding ('missing or incomplete data') of over-diagnosis in the context of breast cancer screening.


The information quality score is therefore 5/17, i.e. 6/20.

Click here to enlarge:

In view of all these elements, this new INCa brochure does not seem to meet the expectations of the citizen consultation.

P.S. In the meantime, at the beginning of April 2018, the INCa has added references at the bottom of the document, but the sources added are only reports or legislative texts or sources from the INCa itself...



Slaytor EK, Ward JE How risks of breast cancer and the benefits of screening are communicated to women: analysis of 58 pamphlets.http://www.bmj.com/content/bmj/317/7153/263.full.pdf

Jørgensen KJ, Gøtzsche PC. Presentation on websites of possible benefits and harms from screening for breast cancer: cross sectional study. bmj.com 2004;328:148. Sur : http://www.bmj.com/content/328/7432/148.full.pdf+html





8 Dépistage des cancers du sein par mammographie Deuxième partie Comparaisons non randomisées : résultats voisins de ceux des essais randomisés. Rev Prescrire. 2014 Nov;34(373):842–6.

9 Dépistage des cancers du sein par mammographie Première partie Essais randomisés : diminution de la mortalité par cancer du sein d’ampleur incertaine, au mieux modeste. Rev Prescrire. 2014 Nov;34(373):837–41.

10 Dépistage des cancers du sein par mammographies Troisième partie Diagnostics par excès : effets indésirables insidieux du dépistage. Rev Prescrire. 35(376):111–8.

11 http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa1206809#t=article

12 http://www.bmj.com/content/348/bmj.g366

Cancer Rose est un collectif de professionnels de la santé, rassemblés en association. Cancer Rose fonctionne sans publicité, sans conflit d’intérêt, sans subvention. Merci de soutenir notre action sur HelloAsso.

Cancer Rose is a French non-profit organization of health care professionals. Cancer Rose performs its activity without advertising, conflict of interest, subsidies. Thank you to support our activity on HelloAsso.

David versus Goliath, which one better informs women in France, Cancer Rose or National Institute of Cancer (INCa) ?

January 2, 2020, Marc Gourmelon, MD, Cécile Bour, MD

In 2016, the citizen and scientific consultation on organized breast cancer screening conducted in France, called to consider a halt of screening [1].

Moreover, the information posted on the INCa (National Institute of Cancer in France) website was described as "fragmented, difficult to identify, sometimes contradictory, overdiagnosis approached in an unclear manner".

In April 2018, our collective expressed its concern about the persistent lack of information in the INCa documents [2] [3], which again and again minimizes overdiagnosis and is silent on overtreatment.

We had expressed our concerns in a response letter published in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal) under the title  « Principles for Screening: Too few concerns for informed consent and shared decision making ? » [4] [5]

The principle of informed choice, promotion of autonomy and protection of the rights for screening participants is simple to implement, with pictograms [6] using absolute numbers. These pictograms use a consistent denominator, such as the benefits and harms associated with 1,000 screenings, based on evidence-based data.

Belgium has implemented this since 2013 for breast cancer screening.

On the other hand, French National Cancer Institute (INCa), like other French health agencies, is acting unethically, refusing to provide such information despite requests expressed during citizen and scientific consultation in 2016 and even a more recent request in the form of an open letter supported by the leading French consumer non-governmental organization UFCQC (UFC Que choisir). [7]

The inclusion breast cancer screening as an indicator in the ROSP (Remuneration of doctors for Public Health Objectives) french system was denounced during 2016 citizens' consultation [8].

With the legalization of an unbalanced information, as is proposed by INCa, this is absolutely outrageous.

The general practitioner is thus in a conflict of interest and he is still not trained on how to provide informed consent to the patient during the consultation.

A study in the Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health

A study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health [9] in December 2019, acknowledges that the information due to women and delivered by INCa it is still not up to standard.

The ostrich policy of the French authorities feeds heavy suspicions of interest links with "pro-detection" lobbies.

The current situation is unacceptable for women and their dignity in health.

This study is carried out in the perspective of creating a French decision aid tool in the context of organized breast cancer screening, in collaboration with INCa.

The study: Information about organized breast cancer screening. Do INCa and Cancer Rose meet the criteria for decision aid tools?

 1. Background

Controversies around organized breast cancer screening increase women's need for information. In France, the National Institute of cancer (INCa) is in charge of providing this information. Its mission is to "promote the appropriation of knowledge and best practices by patients, users of the healthcare system, the general population, healthcare professionals and researchers".

Cancer Rose (CR) site produces complmentary information, considering that the INCa's information is incomplete.

The objective of this study was to assess whether INCa and CR sites meet the IPDAS (International Patient Decision Aid Standards) [10] [11] criteria for decision aid tools.

 2. Method

A comparison of available tools is performed.

  • For INCa, the video of the last campaign launched between September 23 and October 14, 2018, the press kit, the web platform, the information booklet and the information leaflet have been selected for analysis.
  •  For Cancer Rose (CR), the different sections of the home page are: the information videos, the downloadable brochure and leaflet, the presentation, the studies section and the posters.

The information booklet and press kit for INCa and the studies section of the CR website were the documents meeting most IPDAS criteria [12].

The document meeting fewer criteria were the video for INCa and the information leaflet for Cancer Rose (a synthesis produced, after the exhaustive brochure, simply as a document that could be delivered to the patient at the end of the information consultation with the general practitioner).

Videos are more accessible tools for people with lower levels of so-called health literacy [13].

IPDAS criteria were used and an average was calculated using a software program.

3. Results

They are summarized into percentages in table 2, click on the image to enlarge:

It can be noticed that for all criteria Cancer Rose scores significantly better than INCa.

The data in this table are listed in the text, for example :

For INCa, the validated data on which the information was based were absent in the video and leaflet. The press kit contained references in the text or annotated at the bottom of the page. The two documents addressing the overall risks of organized screening, were the web platform and the information booklet. The campaign video addressed over-diagnosis and over-treatment without citing them: "Screening: zero risk or not? It happens sometimes that a cancer which wouldn't have progressed at all or only slightly, will be diagnosed and treated, the zero risk doesn't exist". Screening at an early stage was emphasized without describing the natural history of the disease. The advanced time to diagnosis, an IPDAS criterion, was not explained. »

This finding is serious and presented in a factual manner.

For Cancer Rose the authors write this:

"For Cancer Rose, apart from pain, the risks inherent to screening were all described (false positives, over-diagnosis and over-treatment in all the documents; interval cancers, false negatives, radio-induced cancers and anxiety in the videos). When describing the benefits, the documents described the absence of effect on overall mortality. The benefits of "a woman who avoids death from breast cancer and whose life may be somewhat prolonged" were immediately counterbalanced in the video discourse by "a woman who will succumb to a serious effect of the treatment, a treatment she would not have needed in the absence of screening".

The natural history of the different types of breast cancer was described. The data on which this information was based, was documented by references."

There is therefore a more than notable discrepancy between the information provided by INCa and that of the Cancer Rose collective.

Here is an illustration of these results in diagrams, with the kind permission to reproduce them from Jérémy Anso, author of these tables and editor of the site "Hard to swallow", Doctor of Science; see his article on the subject.

  • Present criteria must be the most numerous
  • Incomplete criteria, must be the least numerous
  • Absent criteria must be the least numerous as well.

Click to enlarge

4. Discussion


  • « The documents that best meet the IPDAS criteria are the information booklet and press kit for INCa and the Studies section for Cancer Rose.»
    However, without pointing out the disastrous figures of INCa compared to the higher scores obtained by Cancer Rose, this flagrant imbalance would have deserved to be further highlighted.
  • « The INCa video scored 6.3% in terms of content versus 50% for the Cancer Rose video. »

"The video (from Cancer Rose, editor's note) appeared to the researchers as being more oriented towards the disadvantages/risks than the benefits/advantages. »

Thus, while the Cancer Rose video gets 50% and the INCa video gets 6.3%, the only criticism expressed is the one of a committed video from Cancer Rose, but to be fair, a comment on the insufficiency of INCa's video is missing.

The discussion is limited to this observation and then presents a paragraph praising the Canadian colleagues and their video support [14].


This can be summarized in the last sentence of the study :

« This study is carried out in the perspective of creating a French decision aid tool in the context of organized breast cancer screening, in collaboration with INCa. »


This study demonstrates by the published figures, in the same way as we have pointed out in the past, that INCa is not fulfilling its function and its mission of information, as illustrates the comment comparing with our fellows in Canada.

"The Canadian Public Health Group on Preventive Health Care (supported by the Public Health Agency of Canada) provides women with a three-page general information document and one page documents by age (50-59, 60-69, 69-74). A 12-minute video is also available for viewing.

All of these tools encourage women to discuss screening with their family doctor. The video is very far from that of INCa in both form and content. "

This study even shows that INCa is doing "indigent" work, as evidenced by the 6.3% score obtained on its video. The authors, although transparent and factual in their results, hardly make the slightest criticism towards INCa. They do, however, acknowledge our work in the paragraph presenting the results.


According to the authors,the informational documents proposed by INCa require a high level of health literacy (or education, or alphabetization, see ref 12) from the public. On the other hand, videos are known as information tools that are more suitable for people with low health literacy levels.

At any moment INCa does not reach the average for the criteria expected to be present, reaching at best only 37.5%, which is very insufficient, where the Cancer Rose collective, with its own resources, which are those of the members and a few donations, reaches 62.5%.

With respect to the absent criteria, here again INCa is unbeatable with a maximum of 56.3% where Cancer Rose reaches only 25% of absent criteria.

Finally for incomplete criteria, INCa is still well ahead of us in all publications, reaching even 50% in 2 cases.

We are very satisfied that a review of epidemiology finally points out this problem of persistent institutional misinformation with regard to women.

We regret that this fact is mentioned only in the text of the document.

Unfortunately many readers often stop at reading the abstract.

It is unfortunate that there is no explicit questioning of the work of INCa, while this unethical and scandalous situation has persisted for many years already.

The mission of the French National Cancer Institute (INCa) is to "promote the appropriation of knowledge and best practices by patients, users of the healthcare system, the general population, healthcare professionals and researchers. As part of this mission, this agency provides tools and regularly conducts information campaigns", with a 2019 budget for prevention and screening of 6.4 million euros [15].

We would like that this public budget to be used for an objective information of women and not for the marketing of breast cancer screening by mammography.

For our part, of course, we admit the criticisms that have been made, of which we were already aware. The missing criteria and the scattered nature of our information will be corrected in a MOOC (Massiv Online Open Course) which is currently under construction and scheduled to be online in 2020. This tool, by its pedagogical and interactive nature, will compensate for these imperfections and will complete the information that the doctor and the patient need to make an informed decision in a collaborative exchange.

It is true that our information, in an assumed way, denounces more the risks than the benefit of screening, for two reasons:

  • No authority, institution or information site denounce or inform women about the harm of screening in France.
  • No recent studies since the 2000s have been able to demonstrate the proven benefits of screening, while publications alerting women to the risks are multiplying, including the growing over-diagnosis, a real public health issue.


[1] https://cancer-rose.fr/2016/12/15/nouvelles-du-front-premiere-manche/

[2] https://cancer-rose.fr/2017/09/17/analyse-critique-du-nouveau-livret-dinformation-de-linca/

[3] https://cancer-rose.fr/2018/02/11/2175-2/

[4] https://cancer-rose.fr/2018/04/25/reponse-dans-le-cmaj-principes-de-depistage-trop-peu-de-preoccupations-pour-un-  consentement-eclaire/

[5] https://www.cmaj.ca/content/190/14/E422/tab-e-letters#principles-for-screeni

[6] https://cancer-rose.fr/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/affiche_depistage-mammographiqueA4-2.pdf

[7] https://cancer-rose.fr/2018/03/30/lettre-ouverte-a-linstitut-national-du-cancer/

[8] https://cancer-rose.fr/en/citizen-consultation/

[9] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S039876201930522X?via%3Dihub

[10] http://ipdas.ohri.ca/

[11] https://decisionaid.ohri.ca/Azsumm.php?ID=1881 ; criteria listed at the bottom of the page

[12] International Patient Decision Aid Standards : https://decisionaid.ohri.ca/francais/

[13] https://www.santepubliquefrance.fr/docs/la-litteratie-en-sante-un-concept-critique-pour-la-sante-publique

[14] Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care. Cancer du sein (mise à jour). Calgary (Alberta) Canada: Screening tool involving 1000 people; 2018, . Available on https://canadiantaskforce.ca/tools-resources/cancer-du-sein- mise-a-jour/outil-de-depistage-aupres-de-1000-personnes/?lang=fr

[15] https://www.e-cancer.fr/Institut-national-du-cancer/Qui-sommes-nous/Budget

Cancer Rose est un collectif de professionnels de la santé, rassemblés en association. Cancer Rose fonctionne sans publicité, sans conflit d’intérêt, sans subvention. Merci de soutenir notre action sur HelloAsso.

Cancer Rose is a French non-profit organization of health care professionals. Cancer Rose performs its activity without advertising, conflict of interest, subsidies. Thank you to support our activity on HelloAsso.

Breast Cancer Screening, a good intention, a bad theory, an aberrant result

Une bonne intention, une mauvaise théorie, un résultat aberrant Volume 2, issue 8, Octobre 2006, DOI: 10.1684/med.2006.0009  


With 11,172 deaths in metropolitan France in 2002, breast cancer is a major public health problem. It is responsible for 19% of women deaths from cancer and 31% of malignant tumor deaths before the age of 65. Mass screening has intensified in France over the past several decades. The size of the tumor has never ceased to decrease at the time of diagnosis, but the mortality rate has remained desperately stable from 1980 to 2000. Over the same period, the annual number of diagnosed breast cancer cases doubled. These findings bring into question the soundness of screening and the necessity to quantify overdiagnosis.

Bernard Duperray St Antoine Hospital, Radiology Department, Paris
Bernard Junod National School of Public Health, Assessment of risks related to the environment and the health care system Rennes
Keywords : benefit/risk, breast cancer, screening DOI: 10.1684/med.2006.0009

It is claimed that after an initial preclinical phase of several years, the threshold for clinical detection is reached when the tumor measures approximately 1 cm. Thanks to mammography, screening would take place 1 to 3 years earlier, thus limiting the possibility of developing metastases that would only occur at a given tumor size.

These phases are assumed to mechanically follow one another[1]. A small volume lesion would mean an early diagnosed lesion. "Small" and therefore "early" would be synonymous with curable. The classic pattern (Figure 1), where atypical epithelial hyperplasia develops into cancer in situ and then into invasive cancer which gradually increases to a critical size, suggests that the use of screening could be sufficient in breaking this sequence before invasive cancer develops.

Yet, clinical findings in daily practice show that the progression of the disease is neither linear nor obligatory over time. Sudden changes, static situations and even regressions are observed."Small" does not mean "early". A tumor can develop clinically in a few weeks or even days. A millimetre-sized lesion can be associated to metastases, just as a small tumor which can remain small for many years without becoming a deadly cancer. On the other hand, large, widespread tumors may have no radiological translation.

Although the size of the tumor is apparently associated with the prognosis, it is not with time. In his reference book on breast diseases[2], Professor Charles Gros noted as early as 1963: "The chances of survival with our locoregional therapeutics are linked to the small size of the intramammary lesions. But the smallness of intramammary lesions is only very partially related to time. There is no rigorous parallelism between early diagnosis in time and in space". In most cases, ductal cancer in situ does not evolve into an invasive lesion .

A revision of more than 10,000 breast biopsies completed in Nashville, Tennessee, between 1952 and 1962, revealed cancers in situ in women who were considered not affected by cancer and therefore untreated. After 10 years, 75% of these women did not develop invasive cancer [3]. A wide range of potential clinical evolutions are observed for the same histological abnormality that defines breast cancer : some cancers develop and kill no matter what is done, others seem to respond to treatment, some remain silent, some regress or even disappear spontaneously. The alternative model diagram ( figure 1) takes into consideration these observations.

The question is to know whether these two types of cancer that can not be histologically distinguished are the same disease with varying evolutions, or whether they are entirely different entities with the same breast  stigma.

At present, breast cancer in all its histological forms is a disease whose natural history is not well known and whose strictly histological definition is reductive at a given time, once associated with a linear evolutionary model.

The drop in mortality is not there in spite of screening

The only argument for continuing screening despite scientific evidence was the result of some randomized studies, such as the so-called "two Swedish counties" study published in 1985. It promised women who would be screened a 25-30 % reduction in breast cancer mortality.

Examination of all the results of the seven controlled trials, including a mammography screening, shows the level of knowledge available on its effectiveness. Figure 2 illustrates, first of all, that the importance of mortality value varies between studies. This is mainly due to variations in the age structure of the cohorts of women studied.  The greatest difference in mortality between the screened and the control group is noted in the Edinburgh and Guildford study. It is now acknowledged that this difference is the result of a flaw in the so-called random allocation of women to each group.

Thus, this study does not allow to argument for or against the screening.The second largest difference observed is headed in opposite direction in a Canadian study. This result also prompted to an expertise on the quality of random allocation.

However, after this expertise, the procedures used and the results obtained were considered as valid. Overall, the differences in mortality between studies are not coherent, both in terms of their meaning and their importance [6, 7]. This finding is consistent with the Cochrane review published in 2001 [8]. In particular, it highlighted the precarious nature of the study of the two Swedish counties and of the Health Insurance Plan in New York, once we take into account the method of drawing the samples, the comparability of the groups, the exclusions during the study after randomization and the way in which death was attributed to breast cancer. This may explain why in Sweden, where screening has the longest tradition, the gain in mortality noted in practice is insignificant: 0.8% for 11% expected.

Although the reduction in mortality is not met, the perverse effects are present

The title of the lecture presented  in the summer of 1994 already by Dr. Marie-Hélène Dilhuydy asked the following question about screening : “A generous and life-saving purpose or a sanitary ideology with a perverse ethic, is the breast cancer screening useful for women ?” She clarified that mass screening probably reduces breast cancer mortality, but that the benefit is very limited and very difficult to demonstrate before alerting about the perverse effects that have already been observed. Since then, the extent of these effects has led to a continuous reconsideration of the practical modalities of screening.


This refers to women who test positive even though they are not affected by cancer. The rate of false-positive mammograms has been particularly studied in Great Britain. Cumulative risk of false-positives after 10 mammography tests is 49.1%.

The positive predictive value (PPV) represents the probability that a woman with a positive test is affected by the disease. In France, the PPV for mammography testing using a single image per breast has never exceeded 9% at best, whereas a test judged as good should reach at least 30% or more [9]. Thus, 91% of women with a positive test were alarmed and had to undergo unnecessary diagnostic tests. The consequences are more and more aggressive complementary tests, including even biopsy, since it is becoming more and more difficult to reassure without histological evidence.

The evolution of the classification of radiological images according to the Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BIRADS) of the American College of Radiology (ACR) illustrates the difficulty of trying to make a practical attitude dependent on an imagery which is not very sensitive and not very specific.

The classification of microcalcifications in ACR 3, which should lead to easy monitoring, has been progressively diminished in favor of ACR 4, where histological verification is recommended. These tests are all the more inevitable as patients are firmly convinced that the smallest delay in diagnosis leads to a loss of chance and considerable prejudice [10].

Overdiagnosis and overtreatment

This is definitely a major deleterious effect of screening. It corresponds to diagnosis by excess. Overdiagnosis does not only concern cancers in situ but also invasive cancers that are slowly evolving or regressing spontaneously. It corresponds to the detection of cancer cells that would never have evolved.

As shown in figure 3,  there has been an "epidemic" increase in breast cancer diagnosis in France since 1980 [11]. How can that be explained?

An advance in diagnosis reaching an average of 12 months would only lead to 10% of the rise observed between 1980 and 2000. If this "epidemic" of diagnoses reflected a real increase in the incidence of progressive cancers, therapeutic effectiveness would have to be significantly improved. Indeed, we had only one cancer cured for a lethal cancer in 1980, while we have three cancers cured for a lethal cancer in 2000. In view of the results of controlled trials and the relative stability of treatment methods, such progress is implausible.

Another way to address the issue of over-diagnosis is to evaluate the reservoir of asymptomatic breast cancers present in the population of women. What is clinically observed is only the tip of the iceberg. Similarly to prostate cancer, there are occult breast cancers that will not reveal themselves during the patient's lifetime. Evidence of this is illustrated by a series of autopsies performed on women who did not know they had breast cancer during their lifetime. Studies published between 1984 and 1988 provide the results of a systematic search for breast cancer in a series of autopsies that were not selected on the basis of breast pathology. They concern, for example, women who died of a violent death and were examined in a forensic medical institute.

The difference between the number of invasive cancers diagnosed at autopsy and the expected number estimated from the incidence data for the time is considerable: there are more invasive cancers and, above all, far more in situ cancers at autopsy. The discovery of these cancers was all the more frequent as the number of cuts made by anatomopathologists increased. Thus, the more we search, the more we find [12].

More recently, longitudinal observations have documented the existence of overdiagnosis. Since mammography screening has existed for several decades, there are now sufficient retrospective data to show that cohorts of women with multiple screening examinations in succession had significantly more diagnoses than those screened only at the end of an equivalent observation period [5, 13].

Overtreatment is a consequence of overdiagnosis, whose it enhances its deleterious effects. Paradoxically, the results of the treatment of quiescent or pseudo-cancers are always considered to be satisfactory since they do not threaten the woman's life.

Importunate treatment

Several publications report the acceleration of metastases in vital organs following diagnostic and/or therapeutic interventions in breast cancer [4, 14]. Among the mentioned mechanisms, these authors suggest, for example, that a blunt diagnostic or therapeutic procedure releases circulating products responsible for stimulating metastases or that the excision of the primary tumor removes an inhibition of their growth.


Even if irradiation can be controlled and assessed by a quality procedure, its repetition in increasingly short periods of time represents an accumulation of small doses that increase the risk of cancer. According to estimates by the National Cancer Institute in the United States, an accumulated individual dose of 10 mSv would lead to between 9.9 and 32 cancers per million women. Patients carrying the BRCA genes show an increased radiation risk in vitro, yet they are proposed annual check-ups starting already at 30 years of age.

Perspectives of salutary advances?

Following the logic of a theoretical model based on the linear evolution of cancer, industrialized countries have engaged in screening programs to solve the problem of breast cancer mortality. The major concerns of French screening are currently of two kinds: its accessibility for all women and the improvement of senology practices. Thus, the National Cancer Institute is seeking to establish a culture of screening and to strengthen quality control, both in terms of the training of the practitioners involved and of the equipment they use. The interest in cancer screening has revealed its ineffectiveness. The indicators chosen to observe the disease do not allow progress to be made in understanding it. They create perceptions that contradict reality.

The mortality rate remains desperately stable in France, even though all the indicators used are reassuring: reduction in tumor size, reduction in the number of lymph node invasions and detectable metastases upon discovery of the disease, apparent improvement in survival at 5 or 10 years.

In most industrialized countries, two observed contradictory trends need to be clarified and quantified : on the one hand, iatrogenic effects due to inadequate therapies, considering the diversity of the evolution of the disease, of which the natural history is not well known, that contributes to deterioration of the prognosis, and on the other hand, therapeutic advancement in relation to better targeted treatments that improve survival.

In the current context, overdiagnosis inevitably leads to unnecessary and dangerous overtreatment, since lesions unjustifiably diagnosed as cancerous "diseases" would never have manifested themselves. Such "successes" are used to justify the continuation of the screening. They reassure practitioners that their activity is well-founded, while they only mask the ineffectiveness of the followed directions.

Potential improvements as a result of awareness-raising of the extent of the observed facts are considerable.


The willingness to act through systematic screening for a disease whose causes and natural history are not well known implies major disadvantages, in particular :

- unnecessary diagnostic tests;

- harmful treatment of tumors that would have had no consequences if they had not been diagnosed;

- possible acceleration of the manifestation of metastases;

- the induction of cancers by ionizing radiation in a healthy population.

A reorientation of research and health care is necessary to improve the specificity of the definition of cancer and limit the downside of a generalized systematic screening.

Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest in the subject covered by this article.

Summary: Breast Cancer Screening

Insufficiencies in the definition of breast cancer based on the results of punctual examinations and a linear theoretical model of the history of the disease bring into question the validity of its systematic screening.

Overdiagnosis and overtreatment are the major risks to avoid.

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L’attribut alt de cette image est vide, son nom de fichier est Diapositive2-3.jpeg.
L’attribut alt de cette image est vide, son nom de fichier est Diapositive1-3.jpeg.

Références :

1. Ménégoz F, Chérié-Challine L, et al. Le cancer en France : Incidence et mortalité, situation en 1995 et évolution entre 1975 et 1995. Ministère de l’emploi et de la solidarité et réseau Francim eds. Paris : La Documentation française ; 1998.

2. Gros C. Les maladies du sein. Paris : Masson, 1963, 573 pp.

3. Page DL, Dupont WD, Rogers LW, et al. Continued local recurrence of carcinoma in situ 15-25 years after a diagnosis of low grade ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast treated only by biopsy. Cancer. 1995;76:1197-200.

4. Baum M, Demicheli R, et al. Does surgery unfavourably perturb the “natural history” of early breast cancer by accelerating the appearance of distant metastases? Eur J Cancer. 2005;41:508-15.

5. Zahl PH, Strand BH, Maehlen J. Incidence of breast cancer in Norway and Sweden during introduction of nationwide screening: prospective cohort study. BMJ. 2004;328:921-4.

6. Black CB, Haggstrom DA, Welch HG. All-cause mortality in randomized trials of cancer screening. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2002;94:167-73.

7. Mammographies et dépistage des cancers du sein. La revue Prescrire. 2006;272:348-71.

8. Olsen O, Gotzsche PC. Cochrane review on screening for breast cancer with mammo-graphy. Lancet. 2001;358:1340-2.

9. Renaud R, Gairard B, Schaffer P, Haehnel, Dale G. Définition et principes du dépistage du cancer du sein. 11 Journées de la Société Française de Sénologie et de Pathologie Mammaire, Tours, septembre 1989.

10. Berlin L. Malpractice issues in radiology. The missed breast cancer : perceptions and realities. AJR. 1999;173:1161-7.

11. Remontet L, Estève J, Bouvier et al. Cancer incidence and mortality in France over the period 1978-2000. Rev Epidemiol Santé Publique. 2003;51:3-30.

12. Welch HG. Dois-je me faire tester pour le cancer ? Peut-être pas et voici pourquoi. Laval ; Presses de l’université : 2005, 263 pp.

13. Zackrisson S, Andersson I, Janzon L et al. Rate of over-diagnosis of breast cancer 15 years after end of Malmö mammographic screening trial: follow-up study. BMJ. 2006;332:689-92.

14. Cox B. Variation in the effectiveness of breast screening by year of follow-up. J natl Cancer inst. Monogr 1997;22:69-72.

Cancer Rose est un collectif de professionnels de la santé, rassemblés en association. Cancer Rose fonctionne sans publicité, sans conflit d’intérêt, sans subvention. Merci de soutenir notre action sur HelloAsso.

Cancer Rose is a French non-profit organization of health care professionals. Cancer Rose performs its activity without advertising, conflict of interest, subsidies. Thank you to support our activity on HelloAsso.

Explanation of our study on mastectomies in France carried out by Cancer Rose

October 17, 2017

Dr. Cécile Bour, MD

Dr. Jean Doubovetzky, MD

 Dr. Vincent Robert, MD


Our collective has conducted a study (see news release) to verify the assertion of defenders of systematic screening that, after implementation of generalized screening, there would be a decrease of surgical practices. As this postulate has not been verified in France, we are relying on the PMSI (program for the medicalization of information systems) which records hospital stays in an exhaustive manner. The findings of the article to be published in the October issue of the journal Médecine, and in open access by following this link, show that the de-escalating of surgical procedures has not occurred:

Study in Médecine/oct 2017

Or here : Researchgate

Our study on our website

Following the feedback and questions received from readers, we provide below some explanations to clarify the most frequently asked questions.



 First of all, contrary to what our opponents say, the PMSI (program for the medicalization of information systems) is completely reliable. The rating errors that could occur here and there are not significant, in fact the quotation of mastectomy procedures does not change, the surgeons know them very well. If there were errors, they would be made in both directions. It should be noted in this regard that the figures put forward in studies other than ours on surgical procedures come from the same data source that surgeons use to report their data. In France, there is no other data base for epidemiological and statistical analyses due to the lack of a national cancer registry, an information system that exists in other countries. Any "cheating" on the quotations is highly visible, leads to severe sanctions by the national insurance fund against fraudsters, and is not credible, as the figures for total mastectomy procedures, which are more remunerative, would then be at the expense of those for partial mastectomies, but this is not the case, as all procedures are on the increase. Over the last four years, an average of 19,966 total mastectomies have been performed annually, compared with 18,351 annually in the four years preceding the generalization of organized screening (2000-2003), an increase of 8.8%.

Indeed, at the same time, the number of breast cancers diagnosed each year has increased. But, even in relation to this figure, the numbers don't add up.

In 2012, there are still practiced 4 total mastectomy procedures for 10 new cancers, as in the year 2000. And there are 15 partial mastectomy procedures for 10 new cancers compared to less than 13 in 2000.

In other words, the number of partial mastectomies is increasing faster than the incidence of invasive cancers. And the number of total mastectomies is increasing in parallel with the number of invasive breast cancers.

Under these circumstances, we should speak of a therapeutic escalation, not of a de-escalation.


Role of individual screening

Indeed, some patients have recourse to individual screening; the changes in breast cancer surgery that we have noted cannot be explained by the screening coverage that has remained stable (organized and individual screening added) in recent years.

On the other hand, while the lack of decrease in screening coverage may explain the lack of decrease in total mastectomies, it does not exonerate screening from any responsibility for the significant increase in the number of lumpectomies and partial mastectomies. This increase in the number of surgery procedures depends less on the number of women screened than on the sensitivity and specificity of the screening. With technical progress, double reading of mammograms, the switch to numerical mammography, and an improvement in the skills of radiologists, the sensitivity of mammography is steadily improving.

Therefore, it is rather the performance of screening in detecting increasingly small tumors that is responsible for the increase in the number of surgery procedures, as it leads to an increase in over-diagnosis, and consequently over-treatment.

Once again, the truth is that an unfulfilled promise was made to women, by announcing that the generalization of organized screening would result in "lighter" treatments.


On the issue of total mastectomies

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Some are satisfied with the decrease in the ratio of total mastectomies to partial mastectomies, or the ratio of total mastectomies to "total procedures". This apparent improvement is only due to the fact that partial mastectomies are increasing significantly compared to total mastectomies, which are also increasing, but to a lesser extent. However, this is not a good indicator of a de-escalating treatment. It would only be gratifying if the number of total mastectomies were reduced. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

The annual number of total mastectomies is not decreasing, neither the number of total mastectomies relative to the incidence of invasive cancers. How can these results be explained?

    - The re-intervention rate (partial mastectomies complemented afterwards) is only 3% and cannot account for the data; see page. 53 of the report: "Improving the quality of the healthcare system and controlling expenses: Health Insurance proposal for 2015" Report to the Minister in charge of Social Security and to the Parliament on the evolution of Health Insurance expenses and revenues for 2015 (law of August 13, 2014).

    - The recommendations requesting that conservative surgery be favored whenever possible are perhaps not followed, in such a way that the intended benefit of screening is cancelled out.

    - Or total mastectomies are performed for non-invasive tumors (notably CIS). These procedures represent an over-treatment associated with over-diagnosis. They would make lose the benefit of a general trend towards more conservative surgery for invasive cancers.

When the progression is considered without even considering the time scale, the general picture is one of an increasing trend, almost linear with a fairly high random variability.

We do not note any definite break in this linear trend and it would be impossible to locate the year when screening under invitation became generalized if the years on the x-axis were not indicated (2004). (This can be confirmed by a Davies test). Therefore, the trend in the annual number of total mastectomies has  not been modified by the generalization of organized screening. No reduction in this rate can be claimed.

concerning total mastectomies

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In the statistics of cancer incidence presented by INCA (French National institute of Cancer) site, only the figures concerning invasive cancers are reported, since cancers in situ (CIS) correspond to a separate entity, wrongly referred to as 'cancer' and not considered as 'real' cancer, and they are not taken into account.

It has been shown that surgery does not improve the prognosis of in situ cancers. This is why we have studied the ratio of the number of mastectomies to the incidence of invasive cancers and not invasive + cancers in situ.

The number of mastectomies (of all types) is greater than the number of new cancers. It therefore seems that in situ cancers are surgically operated on "in doubt", not only by partial mastectomy, but also sometimes by total mastectomy.


Our observation is as follows: for every 1,000 invasive cancers, 213 more surgical operations were performed  in 2012 compared to 2000 (a).

This is an excess of 10,387 interventions compared to what the incidence of invasive cancers indicates (b).

Another method of calculation can be used: in 2012 there are 71,916 interventions compared to 53,876 in 2000. There are therefore 18,040 additional interventions in 2012 (c). Of these 18,040 additional interventions, 7,663 can be explained by a rise in the incidence of invasive cancers (d).

The remaining 18,040-7,663 = 10,377 interventions cannot be explained by the rise in invasive cancers. To the nearest rounding errors, the 10,387 given by the other method of calculation are included.

Re-interventions have a limited part to play, since they account for just 3% of mastectomies. Our hypothesis is therefore that, for the most part, these 10,377 additional procedures are attributable to over-diagnosis leading to over-treatment.

a) (ratio of total acts in 2012 year x 1000) – (ratio of total acts in 2000 year x 1000) = (1.475 x 1000) - (1.262 x 1000) = 213

b) 213 x 2012 year incidence = 213 x 48,763 = 10,387

c) 71.916 - 53.876 = 18.040

d) 2012 year incidence x ratio acts/incidence year 2000 = number of acts related to the increase in incidence between year 2000 and year 2012 = (48,763 x 1.262) - 53,876 = 7,663



There is a statistically significant decrease in the proportion of total mastectomies (p < 0.00001 in Spearman's rank correlation test). However, this decrease in the proportion of total mastectomies is not synonymous with a lighter surgical procedure. Indeed, as shown in the graph below, the decrease in the part of total mastectomies is not due to a decrease in total mastectomies but to a greater increase in partial mastectomies than in total mastectomies.

click on the image to enlarge :

L’attribut alt de cette image est vide, son nom de fichier est Diapositive1-4.jpeg.


The increase in total mastectomies could be attributed to the increase and aging of the female population.

To test whether this hypothesis stands true, the annual number of mastectomies can be related to the annual number of new cases of breast cancer.

A mastectomy is performed because there is cancer and not because of being a woman.

In summary, two arguments allow us to claim that screening has not lead to a de-escalating in surgical procedure of breast cancer.

1. The trend towards an increase in the annual number of total mastectomies has not changed as a result of the generalization of the screening under invitation.

2. The number of total mastectomies per 1,000 new invasive breast cancers has not been decreased due to the generalization of screening under invitation.

Thanks to Dr Vincent Robert for all these analyses.


Our study was presented at the congress of the French Society of Breast Senology and Pathology, November 2017 in Lille.

Here is the presentation :  SFSPM Lille PC



diaporama SFSPM Lille PC

Cancer Rose est un collectif de professionnels de la santé, rassemblés en association. Cancer Rose fonctionne sans publicité, sans conflit d’intérêt, sans subvention. Merci de soutenir notre action sur HelloAsso.

Cancer Rose is a French non-profit organization of health care professionals. Cancer Rose performs its activity without advertising, conflict of interest, subsidies. Thank you to support our activity on HelloAsso.

Citizen and Scientific Consultation on Breast Cancer Screening in France- Steering Committee Report

September 2016


Steering Committee members of the Citizen and Scientific Consultation on Breast Cancer Screening are the authors of this report.

Chantal CASES

Economist, statistician

Director of Demographic and Social Statistics, INSEE President of the Health Data Institute


Medical Oncologist

Head of the Ambulatory Department of the Gustave Roussy Institute IGR


General practitioner

Therapeutic Education Trainer


Anthropologist, Inserm research director

Member of Cermes3 (Research Center, medicine, sciences, health, mental health, society, CNRS Inserm EHESS University Paris 5 Descartes)


Professor of Public Health, Nephrologist

Director of the Laboratory of Biostatistics Depidemiology and Public Health UPRES EA 2415 University Institute of Clinical Research of Montpellier)

Head of the BESPIM department (Biostatistics, Epidemiology, Public Health and Medical Information) of the CHU of Nîmes


Lecturer in the history of life sciences and bioethics at the University of Paris Est Créteil Val de Marne / ESPE,

Researcher lIRIS Institute for Interdisciplinary Research on Social Issues, EHESS CNRS Inserm Paris 13)


Professor of Public Health at the Faculty of Medicine of Lausanne

Director of the University Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine of Lausanne

Jean-Philippe RIVIÈRE

General practitioner

Editorial and community manager of the Vidal.fr website


Emeritus Professor of Private Law at the École des hautes études en santé publique EHESP

Co-director of the Research Center "Normes, Sciences et Techniques" (CRNST), Institut des Sciences Juridique et Philosophique de la Sorbonne (UMR 8103)


Breast cancer screening is organized at the national level by health authorities. A scientific controversy has arisen because of doubts about the reality and magnitude of the decrease in the risk of death from breast cancer due to screening and the fear that it generates a greater or lesser number of over-diagnoses and over-treatments.

This consultation allowed the Steering Committee, with the support of INCa, to identify and interview citizen, health professionals, experts and to extensively work on this complex issue. The committee was consequently able to confront multiple opinions and reflections, and it relied on INCa's human and bibliographical resources, as well as on knowledge, discussions, personal and group research to observe, analyze, develop and then formulate recommendations and two potential scenarios for the future.

From a scientific point of view, the committee noted that most of the studies used were not French, and therefore obtained under different conditions from those set up in France, which can distort the interpretation that can be made. Moreover, it is not up to the committee to decide whether the benefits of organized screening outweigh the risks. Nevertheless, the committee was able to note the existence of numerous reviews on the subject, in particular numerous randomized or observational studies, as well as meta-analyses and synthesis reports, whose conclusions on the importance of reducing mortality, over-diagnosis and over-treatment diverge greatly. The question is therefore not resolved, in view of the differences observed between the results and the interpretations. These variations and the doubts that accompany them, fuel the controversy on the subject at the French and international levels.

The committee also noted dysfunctions in the current organization of screening and its consequences: unequal access, misunderstanding of the issues, confusion between primary prevention, screening and early diagnosis, lack of information on the risks and uncertainties of screening in the invitation letter sent every two years, absence of general practitioners in the organized screening pathway (they can certainly talk about it with the women who consult them, but only in the context of a consultation for another subject), misleading and outrageous marketing of the Pink October promotional month, partial reimbursement of ultrasounds exams poorly explained to women, doubts about the effectiveness of certain therapeutic strategies etc.

Committee recommendations :

  • Taking the controversy into consideration in the information provided to women and in the information as well as the education (initial and continuing) of professionals in this area, to ensure that women concerned by breast cancer screening have access to balanced and complete information, and professionals involved in breast cancer screening receive a training enabling them to acquire the relevant knowledge for accompanying women, offering them adequate aid for making their decision.
  • Improving scientific knowledge on breast cancer and conducting an ambitious evaluation of existing and future strategies by :
    • Implementation of research projects to study the natural history of breast cancer and its nature, in order to better differentiate the types of cancers and their possible progression;
    • Implementation of ambitious information and monitoring systems in order to allow a permanent evaluation of programs.
  • Evolution of breast cancer screening program enabling systematically :
    • Integration of the general practitioner in the screening process, while also taking into account other health actors such as the midwife and the gynecologist;
    • Double reading for all screening mammograms. It is not acceptable that today two screening systems coexist, with different criteria; 
    • Evaluation of ultrasound practice as a complementary act to mammography;
    • Stopping all early screening before the age of 50 for women with no particular risk factor by implementing a delisting of the procedure.
  • Integration of breast cancer screening strategies into a more global approach to prevention and screening, by the implementation of a dedicated consultation. This consideration of the person as a whole would allow a more adapted follow-up for each individual. Breast cancer screening, dissociated from other screening and prevention actions, does not really make sense in terms of public health.
  • Development of a strategy for breast cancer screening and follow-up that is hierarchically organized according to the level of risk. With the progress of knowledge in the research of markers of evolution, it might be possible to better identify for each woman both the over- and under-risk, which could prevent her from taking part in screening as it currently exists. It will then be necessary to set up a system for identifying risk levels and monitoring according to recommendations validated in reference manuals, with a real evaluation of recommendations implementation and a very strong reactivity for recommended actions according to the advancement of knowledge and the results from evaluations.

In conclusion, the committee considers that the implementation of these recommendations should significantly improve the current situation, which does not meet the requirements of informed decision-making and scientific validity recommended for proposing screening to healthy women.

In addition to these recommendations, the committee proposes two scenarios for making breast cancer screening strategy to evolve and for achieving the same objective: enabling the implementation, in the coming years and with validated technological tools, of a screening strategy adapted to the level of risk. To reach this objective, the committee has made the above recommendations and proposes two ways to achieve this through one or the other of these scenarios :

  • Scenario 1: Termination of the organized screening program, the relevance of a mammogram being assessed in the context of an individualized medical relationship.
  • Scenario 2: Discontinuation of organized screening as it exists today and implementation of a new organized screening, profoundly modified.

It is not the role of the committee to take a position on the proposed scenarios, but a significant improvement in the program seems essential to it, as a response to the existing controversy, in such a way that confidence in the chosen mechanism could be maintained.

These two scenarios reflect the diversity of opinions of the committee members, who consider as a whole that breast cancer screening should ultimately be part of an integrated and comprehensive public health approach.

Cancer Rose est un collectif de professionnels de la santé, rassemblés en association. Cancer Rose fonctionne sans publicité, sans conflit d’intérêt, sans subvention. Merci de soutenir notre action sur HelloAsso.

Cancer Rose is a French non-profit organization of health care professionals. Cancer Rose performs its activity without advertising, conflict of interest, subsidies. Thank you to support our activity on HelloAsso.

A blog, for women with DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ)

Be Wise!

Cécile Bour, MD

June 9, 2020

This blog is the testimony of a young woman, Donna Pinto, who decided to share her story after being diagnosed with breast ductal carcinoma in situ at age 44, in 2009. After a period of fear, Donna decided to do extensive research on her own and make informed choices. This is more than a sharing of personal experience, as the pages of "DCIS 411" also contain a wealth of valuable resources gathered here: https://dcis411.com/bewise/ , under the theme "be wise", calling for empowerment in health.

According to Donna «#BeW I S E is a woman’s health initiative with an urgent public health mission — to ensure all women are properly informed about serious potential harms of breast cancer screening. Conflicts of interest and well-funded marketing campaigns have created an imbalance of information — promoting a one-sided story of « life-saving » benefits of mammography while ignoring or downplaying serious harms».

"Be wise" recalls the more general "choosing wisely" movement calling for enlightened information of women for an informed and shared decision making, which we have recently discussed[1]... Obviously, there is a general public demand for transparency in health information, and for shared decision making, with all the data in hand.

Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) [2]

DCIS are largely contributing to over-diagnosis.Trials and research indicate that increasing DCIS detection has not decreased mortality from breast cancer. DCIS accounted for less than 5% of all breast cancers before the screening era, rising to 15-20% in all countries where screening campaigns occur. They are not counted in the incidence figures (rate of new cases) given by the French National Cancer Institute, as they are considered separately and not as "true" cancers.

In addition, there is a lack of a real consensus among anatomo-pathologists for the classification of these lesions when analyzing the biopsies they receive, with a tendency to overclassify them in poorer prognosis categories, for fear of underestimating a "disease".

Most DCIS are considered to be non-mandatory precursor lesions to invasive cancer; paradoxically, the dramatic increase in their detection followed by their surgical ablation has not been followed by a proportional decrease in the incidence of invasive cancers.

The major problem is that these particular breast cancer entities are treated with the same aggressiveness as breast cancer.

In October 2015 a study carried out by University of Toronto came up with the following results:

    -Their treatment makes no difference to women's survival.

    - Women with DCIS are heavily treated (sometimes by bilateral mastectomy) and have the same probability of dying from breast cancer as women in the general population.

    - Treating DCIS does not decrease their recurrence.

    - Prevention of recurrence with either radiotherapy or mastectomy did not prevent death from breast cancer.

Similarly, our study of mastectomies in France revealed a steady increase in the number of surgical procedures, our first hypothesis being the overtreatment of lesions that are not invasive cancers, but so-called pre-cancerous lesions and DCIS [3] [4].

The long-term consequences of overtreatment can be life-threatening. For example, radiation therapy on these lesions appears to be ineffective in reducing the risk of death from breast cancer, but it is associated with a dose-dependent increase (10-100% over 20 years) in the rate of major coronary events. [5]

In several countries, clinical trials are being conducted to test a simple active surveillance, especially for low-grade DCIS, rather than aggressive treatment:




For Philippe Autier [6], from the International Prevention Research Institute (IPRI), the problem is undoubtedly inherent to routine mammography, in particular digital mammography, which is too performant for the detection of small calcifications; these are the most frequent radiological sign of these forms, and the mammography has an excellent sensitivity for the detection of these microcalcifications.

You will find in our media library several clinical cases of carcinoma in situ, abusively called carcinoma [7].

Based on her experience, Donna created an informative blog to help women world-wide receive the same information and useful resources, as well as to provide a space for emotional support and connection.

The "resources" page contains, in addition to videos, a dotted visual "fact box" reflecting the risk/benefit balance of screening, similar to our poster published at the bottom of our home page, which can be downloaded.

Our opinion and conclusion

We applaud the presence of this blog, which will surely soothe and inform women who are certainly exaggeratedly frightened by DCIS, currently considered more as a marker of breast cancer risk than as true cancers, and whose detection is enhanced by intensive screening. DCIS percentage is steadily increasing, while their treatment has no impact on mortality. They contribute to over-diagnosis and over-treatment.

Ductal carcinomas in situ (DCIS) of the breast account for 85% to 90% of in situ breast cancers. These lesions are asymptomatic and frequently diagnosed during mammographic screening, particularly in the form of microcalcifications.

In France there is no recommendation to propose active surveillance as an alternative to local treatment, i.e. surgical removal, outside of supervised clinical trials.

All these resources are therefore very useful to know.

But even better would be the distribution of prior information to all women, before urging them to be screened, in order to give them the possibility of choice. The choice, among other options, is one of not opting for routine mammography, which does not save lives, which does not lower the rate of serious cancers, but instead increases the number of heavy treatments without any proven benefit, considering the three decades of experience that we now have with screening.

Driving citizens into a "disease" with screening tests that don't work, without informing them, is the worst thing in medicine, because it is selling lies by taking advantage of the trust that patients place in us.


[1] https://cancer-rose.fr/en/2020/12/15/less-is-more-medicine/

[2] See 10th point from the top, in the article https://cancer-rose.fr/en/2020/12/17/mammography-screening-a-major-issue-in-medicine/

[3] https://cancer-rose.fr/en/2020/12/17/our-study-does-organized-screening-really-reduce-the-surgical-treatments-of-breast-cancers/

[4] https://cancer-rose.fr/en/2020/12/17/explanation-of-our-study-on-mastectomies-in-france-carried-out-by-cancer-rose/

[5] SC Darby, M. Ewertz, P. McGale, AM Bennet, U. Blom-Goldman, D. Bronnum, et al.

Risk of ischemic heart disease in women after radiation therapy for breast cancer

N Engl J Med, 368 (11) (2013), p. 987-998

[6] https://cancer-rose.fr/en/2020/12/17/mammography-screening-a-major-issue-in-medicine/

[7] https://cancer-rose.fr/mediatheque/mediatheque-cas-cliniques/

Cancer Rose est un collectif de professionnels de la santé, rassemblés en association. Cancer Rose fonctionne sans publicité, sans conflit d’intérêt, sans subvention. Merci de soutenir notre action sur HelloAsso.

Cancer Rose is a French non-profit organization of health care professionals. Cancer Rose performs its activity without advertising, conflict of interest, subsidies. Thank you to support our activity on HelloAsso.