Balance of benefits and harms of mammography screening, multilingual

We present the downloadable poster in two formats, A4 and A3, for distribution to your patients or for display in the waiting room, in three languages, french, english, arabic. 

You will find them on the French and English homepage.


#Cancer du sein : téléchargez gratuitement notre affiche d’information (


Breast #cancer : download our free information poster (


( سرطان الثدي: قم بتنزيل ملصق المعلومات المجاني الخاص بنا

🛈 Nous sommes un collectif de professionnels de la santé, rassemblés en association. Nous agissons et fonctionnons sans publicité, sans conflit d’intérêt, sans subvention. Merci de soutenir notre action sur HelloAsso.
🛈 We are an French non-profit organization of health care professionals. We act our activity without advertising, conflict of interest, subsidies. Thank you to support our activity on HelloAsso.
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