information on breast cancer screening

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Independent French association of health professionals and patients, unsubsidized, without links of interest, we campaign for fair and objective information for women on the benefits and risks of mammographic screening.
Here, independent French Medical Doctors, who met through Formindep (French Organization for Independent Medical Training) and a Doctor in Toxicology, have created this site to inform you of the most recent and relevant data on breast cancer mass screening that women have the right to know, but are deprived of information during the “Pink October” campaign in France.
nciting messages, from organizations with links of interest that lack objectivity and transparency, as well as commercial campaigns around Pink October continue to exaggerate the benefits of breast cancer screening and minimize the risks, which are now well acknowledged.
By decoding and popularizing the most recent research findings published in the most important international medical journals, analyzing the controversy and providing a social and feminine analysis.
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