Here find the updated recommandations of CanTaskForce

Discussion tools are available here: TOOLS, by age groups

  • For women aged 40 to 49, based on current data (trials, observational studies, modelling, and a review of values and preferences), we suggest that routine mammography screening not be performed. Since individual values and preferences may vary, people who want screening after being informed of benefits and harms should be offered screening every two or three years (conditional recommendation, very low certainty).
  • For women aged 50 to 74, based on current data (trials, observational studies, modelling and a review of values and preferences), we suggest mammography screening every two or three years. As individual values and preferences may vary, it is important that women aged 50 to 74 be informed of the benefits and harms of screening to make their decision (conditional recommendation, very low certainty data).
  • For women aged 75 and over, based on current data (observational studies and modelling; no trials available), we suggest not performing mammography screening (conditional recommendation, very low certainty data).

The Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care was established by the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) to develop clinical practice guidelines that support primary care providers in delivering preventive health care.

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