October the 1st
Cancer Rose – Press Release
October 1st, 2023
The French Association Cancer Rose proposes an interactive decision-support tool in three languages (French, English, German) on breast cancer screening to help each woman assess her own benefits/harms balance.
This tool can easily be used alone or with the help of a practitioner during a medical consultation. https://oad.cancer-rose.fr/
The tool presents two versions for the balance of benefits and harms:
- A benefits/harms balance based on unfavorable hypotheses to screening.
- A benefits/harms balance based on favorable hypotheses to screening.
It is possible to enter the age for the start and the end of participation in screening to obtain a personalized estimate of expected benefits (avoided deaths) and harms (overdiagnosis and false alarms) associated with screening.
Access to the decision tool possible too from the home page
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