Preventing Overdiagnosis Conference-2022


Dr. Jean Doubovetzky, a senior editor at the independent journal Prescrire, and author of the AntiDrKnock blog, presented on June 10 on the topic of unnoticed harms of breast cancer screening, “Under the radar: unnoticed harms of breast cancer screening.”

Her is the presentation

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Dr. C. Bour was a speaker on June 11 on a panel discussing “Promotional versus neutral messages – impact on individual breast cancer screening decisions when information is suppressed.”

Here is the presentation: 

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Our abstracts

All our abstracts are published in BMJ Evidence Medicine in the links below:

Under the radar

Dissemination of shared decision support knowledge…

Call for an international platform….

Better information of women

Socio-cultural environment


Dr. Jean Doubovetzky presented his innovative project of an international collaborative information website to inform the public about overmedication. “Call for an international platform of collaborative websites to fight “the harms of too much medicine.”

La Maison de la Culture et de la Médecine  (The House of Culture and Medicine of Nice) in collaboration with Cancer Rose, presented a poster concerning the dissemination of medical knowledge for a medicine integrating more the patient.

“Dissemination of shared decision support knowledge in popular education and medical training regarding cancer screening “

Cécile Bour, Md1, Jean-Michel Benattar, Md 2 3, France Légaré, PhD. 4, David Darmon PhD. 3 5 6, Luigi Flora PhD. 3 6

  1. Citizens’ association (NGO) (ONG) Cancer Rose
  2. Citizens’ association (NGO) Maison de la Médecine et de la Culture (MMC)
  3. Patient and Public Partnership Innovation Center (CI3P), Côte d’Azur University, France
  4. Shared Decision-Making Knowledge Translation, Laval University, Québec, Canada
  5. Department of Teaching and Research in Family Medicine (DERMG), Côte d’Azur University, France
  6. Interdisciplinary Research Laboratory RETInES, Côte d’Azur University, France

Keywords: Shared decision making, patient partnership, cancer screening, informed information, popular education, medical education.

Two citizens’ associations, Cancer Rose and the Maison de la Médecine et de la Culture (MMC), have addressed, in their respective roles, the expectations of the citizen consultation on breast cancer screening in France (2016). Based on the work of Cancer Rose, which included the publication of a decision-aid based on French data, enriched by a small illustrated decision-aid, it was decided to offer monthly webinars on medical education in the health sciences, which would also be open to citizens.

Since 2015, Maison de la Médecine et de la Culture has specialized in this type of event, a project that has been carried out in collaboration with the Center for Innovation of Partnership with Patients and the Public (CI3P), an entity of the Department of Teaching and Research of Family Medicine DERMG at the University of Côte d’Azur since late 2019. The MMC is an association of citizens, not healthcare system users, that proposes through artistic works, meetings-films-debates that raise questions among citizens, whether they are relatives, patients, future decision-makers, or practicing healthcare professionals, on health issues that affect us all.

Since its first year, this activity has caught the attention of the Department of Family Medicine. Since 2015, MMC has been able to give additional teaching hours to family medicine interns for their participation in ethical reflections on health beyond peer-to-peer, physician-to-physician discussions.

At the same time, MMC has advocated for introducing a new approach initiated in Quebec with the current patient co-director of CI3P in France. MMC has co-designed a training program in collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine and the DERMG and commissioned by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine: a university diploma course in the Art of Care in Partnership with the Patient. A training course recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research as a pedagogical innovation in its first year of application in 2018. (Prix Passion Enseignement et Pedagogie in Higher Education in the ” life-long education “).

This first partnership between citizens and academics resulted in the creation the Center for Innovation in Partnership with Patients and the Public (CI3P) within the Université Côte d’Azur’s Faculty of Medicine, as announced by the program’s founders at the award ceremony.

Cancer Rose and the MMC will host monthly webinars between the autumns of 2021 and 2022, between two Pink October campaigns dedicated to organized screening in France. These webinars provide free and informed information that is likely to foster critical thinking and shared decision-making for citizens, patients, health professionals, and medical students.

This webinar series is enhanced by the participation of a collaboration between CI3P and the Canadian Research Chair on Shared Decision Making and Knowledge Translation. A partnership that strengthens the historically strong links between these francophone universities, Laval University from Canada and Université Côte d’Azur from France.

Thus, CI3P and the Canadian Research Chair in Shared Decision Making and Knowledge Translation contribute to a long-standing collaboration between these two universities, France and Quebec, and thus between Canada and France.

These monthly participatory webinars, which were initially co-designed by members of the two associations and citizens (consisting of patients, health science students, and doctors), propose an exchange initiated by a work of art, which can be a work or an excerpt from a film or documentary, a literary work or a comic strip, a graphic illustration, or a theatrical or performance work. These works are mainly narrative, but not exclusively so. This artistic approach is proposed as an introduction to the theme.

The topics addressed then enable the development of a critical mindset among citizens because each person is mobilized singularly in their sensitivity and the unique interpretation that emerges from it. This approach opens up the Art of Care in partnership with the patient, which provides the means to reach a shared decision, within the framework of the doctor-patient relationship, following the ethical values of a medical practice adjusted to the patient.

This is the proposed cycle represented by this poster.

It’s Discussed:

Article du CanadianTaskForce

Annonce dans la revue Prescrire


Editorial in the BMJ

Editor’s Choice

A system reset for the campaign against too much medicine

BMJ 2022; 377 doi: (Published 16 June 2022)

By Kamran Abbasi, editor in chief

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🛈 We are an French non-profit organization of health care professionals. We act our activity without advertising, conflict of interest, subsidies. Thank you to support our activity on HelloAsso.
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