To interested people, health professionals, organizations, students, doctors, non-medical professionals :
Do not hesitate to contact us on the contact page if you wish an intervention of our collective for evenings-debates, documentaries, training meetings …
We answer all the mails.
Presentations in English on Slideshare :
Conference Preventing Overdiagnosis, Sydney, December 5-7, 2019
Conference “Preventing overdiagnosis” Sydney December 2019, intervention Dr. J. Doubovetkky Saturday, December 7, in the afternoon.
Presentation Cancer Rose in BMJ Evidence Based Medicine, December 2019 issue, vol.4, supplement 2, page A43, abstract 76.
Dr. J. Doubovetzky with Prof. Alexandra Barratt, organizer of the 2019 session of the Preventing Overdiagnosis congress; Sydney
Click on picture

Conference “Preventing Overdiagnosis” Copenhague August, 20, 2018
Click on picture

Conference 15th International Meeting of Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis and Clinical Psychology, Budapest, May, 2018
Click on picture

Conference Women and Health, Bruxelles , November, 2019
Click on picture

Colloquium – over-medicalization, organized by Princeps group, November 29-30, 2019
Presentation and discussion with sound files
Conference-Debate, Nancy, April 23, 2019
Dr. Annette Lexa led a conference-debate at the University of Permanent Culture in Lorraine, in the form of a powerpoint presentation followed by a question-and-answer session from the floor.
Category: Nancy-Nature, Life and Health
“Systematic breast cancer screening: what benefits for what risks?”
Evening debate at the Case de Santé Toulouse
On December 18, 2018, evening debate at the Case de Santé de Toulouse animated by Dr Jean Doubovetzky, “Understanding and explaining to women the controversy on breast cancer screening”.
With presentation of our new information posters for doctors’ waiting rooms.
On October 27, 2018 at the Maison de la Culture et Médecine, with the participation of Dr. Jean Doubovetzsky who presented a ludic presentation…. After the projection of Agnès Varda’s film, “Cléo from 5 to 7”.
An evening debate in Lunéville
invitation from Dr Bour Cécile
September 21, 2018
With the midwife who initiated this evening, Mrs. Amélie Henneguelle-Bataglia, once again our warm thanks to her!

Autonomous Grouping of Young General Practitioners and Replacements
Workshop: “Breast cancer screening, explaining the controversy”.
Animated by Dr Jean Doubovetzky, in Paris on March 17, 2018, as part of the Conferences of the National Union of Young General Practitioners.
The union RéAGIR (Regroupement Autonome des Généralists Jeunes Installés et Remplaçants (ReAGJIR)) is an inter-union federating 15 regional member structures. It represents replacements in general medicine, young GPs who have been in practice for less than 5 years (regardless of how they practice in primary care) and heads of general medicine clinics.
Conference-debate in Sélestat, November 26, 2017. Dr. C.Bour
“Cancers and screenings”
Dr Bour Cécile
Cancer Rose was invited to a conference-debate in Selestat by the cultural organization “les Alevis de Sélestat”. About sixty participants listened to my presentation in the company of Bilgür, who was translating simultaneously.
It was an excellent moment of sharing, of questions and answers, but also of cordiality and extreme human warmth.

Conference of the French Society of Mammary Senology and Pathology (French Society of Mammary Senology and Pathology)
November 8 to 10, 2017
Cancer Rose participated in the conference of the French Society of Mammary Senology and Pathology November 2017, Lille. Our présentation, click here:

Dr Vincent Robert presented the poster, and Dr Bour Cécile presented the 10 minutes oral communication. We proposed an abstract, to be found here
We should mention the very remarkable presentation of Professor Philippe Autier, epidemiologist at the IRPI (International Prevention Research Institute), Dardilly, to be found here: presentation P.Autier
slideshow of our intervention : diaporama de notre intervention
An interactive and humorous presentation in Lyon
Dr. Jean Doubovetzky has been invited to participate in a conference-debate on the theme “Understanding the controversy on breast cancer screening”, jointly organized on October 31, 2017 by the Lyon pharmacy students’ association (AAEPL) and the Lyon East Carabinieri Association (ACLE), in an amphitheater of the University of Lyon I.
The aim of the conference was to give both pros and cons opinions on the subject in order to clearly define the scientific controversy, to be interactive, with numerous interventions from the audience, both to answer questions asked during the slide show or to ask or even give an opinion.
Approximately 35 students, mostly future pharmacists, attended the presentation, which was supported by a slide show and left plenty of room for questions from the presenter, students, and discussion. The discussion continued well after the scheduled time, a sign of the students’ interest and commitment.
The conference lasted about 2h30.

(Shadok motto: “By trying hard, you will succeed. So: the more it fails, the more likely it is to work. »)
“Prescrire” meetings Toulouse June 2017 “Medication in society, everybody’s business”;

presentation of a poster, by Dr. J. Doubovetzky
🛈 Nous sommes un collectif de professionnels de la santé, rassemblés en association. Nous agissons et fonctionnons sans publicité, sans conflit d’intérêt, sans subvention. Merci de soutenir notre action sur HelloAsso.
🛈 We are an French non-profit organization of health care professionals. We act our activity without advertising, conflict of interest, subsidies. Thank you to support our activity on HelloAsso.