Cancer Rose, 31 March 2021

Cancer Rose launches new bilingual media library

Cancer Rose launches a new media library for general public and professionals who want to learn more about breast cancer and its screening, as well as about our activities on information and education. You will find it integrated in the menu, among the other categories of the website Cancer Rose.

The new design of our bilingual media library provides improved navigation to help our visitors find information easily.  Visitors can conveniently browse content, read and download all open-access documents, and view videos.

For general public, the media library offers posters, brochures, information videos, as well as an excerpt from Dr. Bernard Duperray’s book “Dépistage du cancer du sein – la grande illusion”.

For professionals, the media library offers the courses of Dr. Bernard Duperray, lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine Paris Descartes, within the inter-university diploma of breast pathology, as well as a library of clinical cases.

In addition, the media library provides access to Cancer Rose press releases and articles, as well as to presentations given at various events and conferences in France and abroad, since the Association was founded.

Links to Cancer Rose’s social networks and the possibility of sharing any content you wish on your favourite social network are present at all times when you browse the media library.

Enjoy your visit on !

Cancer Rose collective

Cancer Rose is a Non-Profit Organization under French law made up of independent Medical Doctors, a Doctor in Toxicology and a patient representative, with the goal of providing fair, transparent and objective information for women on mass screening for breast cancer, based on scientific evidence. Members of Cancer Rose have no sponsorships, honoraria, monetary support or conflict of interest from any commercial sources. They dedicate their time to this activity on a voluntary basis. The funds necessary for the functioning of this website and production of information materials (educational videos, brochures, posters) are generated by individual donations and members contributions.

🛈 Nous sommes un collectif de professionnels de la santé, rassemblés en association. Nous agissons et fonctionnons sans publicité, sans conflit d’intérêt, sans subvention. Merci de soutenir notre action sur HelloAsso.
🛈 We are an French non-profit organization of health care professionals. We act our activity without advertising, conflict of interest, subsidies. Thank you to support our activity on HelloAsso.
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