Press Release – Cancer Rose

June 2021

The National Cancer Institute censures and qualifies  as “fake news” information in health that does not follow the official direction line.

In May 2020, about thirty French editorial societies denounced “with the greatest firmness” the section entitled “Fake news Coronavirus” launched by the Government (1).

The French journalists argued that “the State is not the arbiter of information”.
This site was removed, a few days later.
The lesson has obviously not been learned.

Thus, today in the same logic, the National Cancer Institute (2) has decided to study the creation of a “CSA of Health” (CSA is the acronym of “Conseil Supérieur de l’Audiovisuel », French regulator of audiovisuel)  in order to “establish rules in the field of health information”.

This “CSA of Health device will not be limited to the field of cancer”, and will therefore concern all health blogs, all doctor bloggers on social networks (websites, twitter, facebook) and all health articles in the media (online press). This decision is foreseen in a framework agreement with the hosts of content (media, social networks) to do a “work of elimination of the fake news identified by a college of experts.”

The device to fight against “fake news” is already in place, part of the actions started in 2021. INCa is leading this action as indicated in the roadmap of the Cancer Plan decennial strategy 2021-2030 (Action file I.2., Action I.2.3, page 10, “Setting up a system to combat against fake news”) (3).

Actualisation 2022

Project of an High Audiovisual Council of Health confirmed and published in the “Decennial Strategy to Fight Cancer 2021-2030”, page 43

Thus, in order to implement this action immediately, the French National Cancer Institute qualifies from the start as “Fake news” the international controversy that exists on the benefits-risks balance of breast cancer screening.
This can be found on the INCa website under the tab : “Enlightenment: the information behind fake news” which also presents the graphic charter of  the French Republic (4).

The National Cancer Institute has always disseminated partisan and promotional information on breast cancer screening, emphasizing the effectiveness of screening by minimizing overdiagnosis and its serious consequences (overtreatment).

By decreeing that “the information on scientific debate can have a negative influence on women …”, INCa follows the same logic as the State in the affair of the site site “Désinfox Coronavirus”: to arrogate a role of censor in the media production, and to grant a conformity to the only media which will deliver the information selected by the “experts” of the Institute.

By qualifying as “fake news” any scientific contradiction, by designating as “fake news” information that does not go in the official direction, by having “experts” do “an elimination work” of all that it considers contrary to its own communication, INCa will simply exercise censorship, in a country where freedom of expression and freedom of press are fundamental.






Read more :

INCA : from bad surprises to bad surprises

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